No one wants to take a cold shower or have high energy costs. The right hot water heater will provide your family with cost-effective and reliable hot water.
Whether you've just taken that first unexpected cold shower or simply wish to reduce your energy bill, purchasing a new hot water tank is an important task.
Follow these steps so you can leave the appliance guesswork and troubleshooting behind:
- Identify the fuel source.
- Choose a type of heater.
- Determine the capacity.
- Measure the space.
Water Heater Fuel Sources

Electric Hot Water Tanks:
- Use one or two replaceable heating elements to heat water
- Less expensive than other types
- Variety of high-efficiency options available
- Size Range: 28 to 100+ gallons
Gas or Propane Water Heaters:
- Use a burner to heat water
- Need circulating air around it
- Can't store combustible materials close by
- More expensive than electric water heaters
- More energy-efficient than electric water heaters
- Size Range: 30 to 100 gallons
Heat Pump or Hybrid Hot Water Heaters:
- Use energy from the air to heat the water
- Can use outside air or air from the room where it’s stored
- Available as built-in water tanks or add-ons to existing tanks
- Larger than standard electric water heaters
- More expensive initial investment
- More energy-efficient, resulting in lower bills
- Size Range: 50 to 80 gallons