Quartz vs. Marble

Posted by Samira Navas on 2021 Jul 23rd

Quartz vs. Marble

What is quartz?

Quartz is a manmade stone, or engineered stone, and made from around 93% quartz and 3% additives. The additives include various polymers, pigments, and resins designed to help the individual pieces of quartz mineral bond together, remain strong, and look a certain way.

What is stone?

Marble is a natural stone made from metamorphic rock. Unlike quartz, its made from actual stone. This material was famously used in Europe to create various statues and pieces of furniture, including Michaelangelo’s David. This material is known for its natural stone beauty and opulent feel, though it’s not the most durable kitchen countertop material you can get.


Is Marble Harder than Quartz?

No, marble is not harder than quartz. Marble is actually one of the weaker surface materials you can buy for your kitchen. It’s also more prone to staining and burning than some other materials. Most people buy marble purely for the opulent aesthetic and the light color it’s known for.

Which Countertop is Best to Invest in?

A quartz countertop will continue to look beautiful year after year, with little to no maintenance required, while a marble counter will likely become stained and etched in a short time. It can be worth the investment for a quality, quartz countertop, which will combine the style you want, and the durability you need.

High-Quality Quartz Countertops in Reno - Accent Countertops  Marble Countertops - Titan Granite - St Louis MO

Quartz vs. Marble